All Products from Chisel are guaranteed AUTHENTIC !! Our customers deserves nothing but the best, purest, authentic supplement products money can buy.

We NEVER source anything from Unreliable Sources, choosing to only offer products that are 100% authentic, sourced directly from the brands and their authorised importers.

From its very Inception, Chisel has actively partnered directly with the brands. There is no middleman in the whole supply chain unlike other marketplaces. So apart from providing better deals in terms of pricing and Promotional Freebies, Customers gets proper support from the brand for the authenticity related queries.







All imported Supplements must contain a genuine Importer’s MRP Sticker (usually with holographic strip)from the importer who legally imported this product to India after paying all taxes to the government.

Product must have an Expiry Date and a Valid Lot Number which can be verified from the Importer/Brand itself on the Customer care Numbers/Mails.

Your Seller must be Certified & Authorized by the Importer for distribution of products

You must receive a proper Tax paid Retail Invoice from your Seller.


Some of the points that should be cross verified to check the originality of the supplements are • Products must have a valid Importer MRP Sticker. • Customer Support: Verification from Importer/Brand • Container Quality, graphics and label clarity • Valid Tax Invoice from the seller.

Yes, all supplements at Chisel are 100% Authentic. Fake bodybuilding supplements are on the rise in India, making it a real headache for the fitness enthusiasts, where to buy genuine supplements? This is a serious problem; and Chisel’s the real solution with ever-growing clientele of satisfied customers that make sure they get the right products to attain there fitness goals. Chisel follows very strict quality control measures right from the purchase to the final delivery of the products to assure 100% authentic products for the customers. This helps you to be free from the claws of fake products that brag benefits and results outside and hide dangers inside. When we say Authentic Deliveries Assured, we really mean it

Chisel guarantees 100% authenticity, customer support and value for money. All products sold by Chisel are guaranteed original and covered by a 7-day money back guarantee. Chisel controls the entire value chain, from product sourcing to final sale which means we do not rely on 3rd Party Sellers, this ensures that 100% of the products listed on our website are fulfilled directly by us with no middleman involved after passing all quality checks, so there is no possibility of you receiving a fake product.

One Salient feature that makes Chisel stand out of all is that all expiration dates are clearly mentioned on all product pages, so you can be sure you’re getting accurate products. Because we believe Customer should be 100% Aware and confident while purchasing with us.

First of all it is highly recommended to make an unboxing video for your order. Further we advise you to get your product authenticated directly from the brand or the Importer. If you face any issue in this process or still not satisfied with the purchase then you can easily contact us and get it returned within 7 days and ask for refund. To be eligible for it, your item must be unused, unopened and product packaging should be 100% intact as you received

Chisel loves to work as a partner in your fitness voyage than a super selling store of supplements. We are happy to offer the largest selection, best prices, best services, and a qualified team to look after. It is our passion to hunt around the globe in search of the most cutting-edge and authentic supplements for our customers and bring them under one roof. This helps the supplement hunters to compare, select and purchase the supplement that perfectly matches there body requirements and training schedule. Chisel gives utmost importance to your safety and overall health. We invest only in Authentic Domestic and international brands which believe in delivering result oriented quality Supplements because we believe you must get the right products that value your money.