Horizontal Accordion


Happiness is about loving the work you do while caring for people around you

Behaviors that exhibit the value of Happiness

  • Enjoying your work and making it enjoyable for everyone around

  • Your presence invokes pleasant emotions among others

  • You calmly deal with difficult situations



Taking ownership of one’s decisions and actions while demonstrating commitment [&] transparency to accomplish business goals.

Behaviors that exhibit the value of Accountability

  • Taking equal level of ownership whether a problem occurs, or success is achieved

  • Keeping track of commitments while being transparent

  • Timely suggesting solutions rather than waiting



Innovation is about remaining significant and competitive by implementing radical solutions to generate value.

Behaviors that exhibit the value of Innovation

  • Turning new ideas into a solution that adds value and increases efficiency

  • Challenging the status quo to look for better solutions

  • Minimizing complexity and simplifying everything



Creating an environment that enables individuals, teams, and the organization to improve wellness and health.

Behaviors that exhibit the value of Growth

  • Making a new goal for every goal accomplished

  • Challenging oneself rather than being content and complacent

  • Focusing on continuous improvement through inquiry, curiosity, and transparency



Family is about taking care of each other, communicating freely, having mutual respect, and working harmoniously with shared values.

Behaviors that exhibit the value of Family

  • Trusting each other to nurture positive relationships

  • Treating others the way you want to be treated

  • Saying things about fellow employees that you would feel comfortable saying directly to them



Integrity is being truthful, fair, and consistently adhering to the policies and values of the organization.

Behaviors that exhibit the value of integrity

  • Following policies and values with pride

  • Demonstrating fairness with consistency in action, while adhering to established policies

  • Protecting confidential information

  • Communicating honestly and following up with actions



Collaboration is the collective passion of people/teams to achieve business purpose together in an environment of trust, cooperation and camaraderie.

Behaviors that exhibit the value of collaboration

  • Giving and seeking help to deal with work challenges

  • Being open-minded and valuing all opinions

  • Ensuring effective and frequent communication